Partnering with banks to move families from financial health to wealth

JUST is a nonprofit CDFI committed to creating generational wealth by investing in ambitious Texas women excluded from economic opportunities.

A Transformative Partnership
A partnership between JUST and banks create a complimentary relationship benefiting hard to reach, unbanked communities.

A CRA Investment Aligned with Your Goals
- Direct your investment
- Receive CRA compliance reporting
- Stay informed through monthly email updates on latest community development
- Receive Advocate level benefits
- Participate in the JUST Bank Advisory Committee*
- Access to community events for bank employees
- Receive Investor level benefits
- Co-design investment in JUST
- Customize bank employee engagement
- Create a unique press and communication strategy
* The Bank Advisory Committee is an advisory council to JUST. This committee meets quarterly to advise on JUST growth strategy and client outcomes.
JUST partners with Banks to invest in…
Our Financial Health Program
is a credit-building savings tool
and payday lending alternative
offered alongside virtual
coaching, goal setting and peer
Our core business lending
program provides access to
capital, peer coaching and
supportive community for
entrepreneurs to grow their
businesses and social networks
Our asset ownership program
provides supportive resources, and
coaching for clients on their
journey to wealth building through
productive assets starting with a
since 2016 we have…
- Made over 6,300 loans
- Invested more than $14M
- Achieved a 99% repayment rate
- Increased client savings by an avg of 200% after 15 months

“The power of community, my group’s support, are things that have been priceless in my journey.”
– Yolanda, a JUST client