What is JUST?
JUST is a non-profit financial platform that invests in women leaders through capital, knowledge, and community in order to close the racial wealth gap in Texas.

What services does JUST offer?
JUST offers loans, knowledge and community to women leaders.

What type of loans do you offer?
At JUST we offer two types of loans, business loan and personal loan. Business loans are for women looking to start or grow their business with the backing of a support group. Personal loans are to be used in whatever, it could be an emergency expense or something unforeseen.

What are the benefits of being a JUST entrepreneur?
As a JUST entrepreneur you will have exclusive access to business loans, entrepreneurship workshops, access to our online community and above all, you will be part of a large family of women leaders who support each other.

How can I join JUST?
We would love to have you in our community! The first step is to form a group of your own with 2-4 other women you trust. Afterwards, they all have to attend our orientation where they will decide whether to join JUST or not. By joining our community, each of you will have access to a first loan of $ 750 (the amount will increase over time).

Do I need to have a social security number?
We do not ask for your social security number.

Why don’t they ask for credit scores or collateral?
We value trust above all else and are opposed to judging someone based on their credit history.

Who finances JUST?
Our capital comes from investors, philanthropic foundations, and private donors.

What is a business loan?
It is a loan for women who are looking to start or grow a business with the support of a support group. This program involves weekly meetings and loans range from $750 to $10,000.

What type of business should I have?
Some of our clients just start with an idea! Others have businesses of jewelry, beauty, cleaning, food, graphic design and everything you can imagine!

What documents do I need to apply for a loan?
At JUST we do not ask you for any business plan, credit score or collateral of any kind. We do not care about your past but we invest in your future. The only thing we ask of you is a detailed quote of how you will invest your loan money in your business. We will also ask you for any valid identification. We don’t need your social security number.

How will this loan affect my credit score?
At the moment we do not offer this service but we are working so that very soon we can report your credit with the credit bureaus.

Is it necessary to have an established business? 
No, it is not necessary to have an established business! Many of our clients simply start with an idea. All we ask is that you know what you are going to invest your loan in since we will ask you for a detailed list of what you plan to buy as part of the application.

What is the interest on the loan? Do you have a hidden fee?
There are no hidden fees. Our interest is 15% APR. What does this mean? Basically, for a loan of $750, you would pay only $15 in interest. Yes, we know that seems too good to be true. JUST is a non-profit financial platform and our goal is to support you, not generate income.

What happens if I don’t make my loan payments?
We understand that sometimes we go through difficult times. If you are unable to make a payment on time, we ask that you do so as soon as you can. If you pay late, we are going to take it as a sign that perhaps your loan is too large or is causing you stress. Therefore, JUST will not increase the amount of your next loan until you are able to pay off a full loan without delays.

Are men allowed on the program?
Yes, enterprising men can also join the JUST program. He must be invited by a group leader or JETA to be part of her group.

What is a JETA?
A JETA is a leader in our community who has completed the 8-week leadership course and has formed her own group. If you want to become a JETA, the only requirements are that you have completed your first loan on time and that you complete the leadership course, then you can invite other entrepreneurs like you to your group.

How can I renew my business loan?
Once you have completed your first loan you can renew for your next loan using the JUST application. The increase in your loan will depend on the history of your payments with us.

What is the maximum loan amount they offer?
Your loan will grow over time and your commitment from $ 750 to $ 5,000. As a JETA you will have access to loans of up to $ 10,000 with registered businesses and meeting the additional requirements.

How often are payments made?
Payments to pay your loan are weekly, every Wednesday before the end of the day. Loans of $ 750 or less are paid off in 13 weeks, anything over $ 750 is 26 weeks.

How much are the weekly payments?
It depends on the amount of your loan. Payments on a $ 750 loan, for example, would be $ 60 per week for 12 weeks. The last payment will be $ 45 in week 13.

How can I make my loan payments?
You can pay in cash in stores like 7eleven, with a debit card or with your bank account as a direct payment from account to account.

What can I expect at the weekly meetings with my group?
All JUST members meet with their groups weekly for 1 hour. Meeting time is to relax and reflect on your business. In groups, they should set short-term goals and support each other to achieve those goals. The most important purpose of JUST is for our community to live with less stress and more joy.

What is a personal loan?
A versatile loan that you can use for anything. It is perfect for emergency situations or unforeseen expenses. The first loan is for $1,000 and includes a personal development course.

What do I need to apply?
It requires two participants, participant #1 receives $1,000 the first week and participant #2 receives $1,000 the tenth week. Both participants make weekly payments for 10 weeks.

What is the cost of this loan? Do you have any interest?
This loan is interest-free but the cost is $5 for the participant who receives in the 10th week and $25 for the participant who receives in the first week. The cost will be discounted when you receive your loan.

Who can I invite to participate in this loan with me?
You decide, you can invite anyone you want to commit to to make their weekly payments. We only ask that you be a person who does not live in your home and who lives within the state of Texas.

How much are the weekly payments?
Weekly payments are $100 for 10 weeks, every Wednesday.

How can I make my loan payments?
You can pay in cash in stores like 7eleven, with a debit card or with your bank account as a direct payment from account to account.

What happens if the person you invite doesn’t make their payments?
You and the person you invited are in this together. Both are responsible for the payments that must be made.

If you can't find the answer to your question here, call our customer service line.