Our personal loan improved for you!

Same great loan, same application process, brand new goal setting feature!

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More than

$ 50000

in personal loans disbursed last year! 

At JUST, we believe setting goals helps us reach our dreams, one step at a time.

Save it. Spend it. You Decide.

Goal-oriented Enhancements

The personal loan is designed to help you and your partner reach your dreams, one goal at a time. Save for an emergency fund, pay a debt, spend it on something you need (or don’t), and stay motivated along the way.

Trusted Partner

Two-person loan. Share your financial journey with someone you trust.

Goal tracking

What are you working on this year? Share your goal and let us help you two keep track of your progress


Receive weekly SMS messages to keep your momentum going

How it Works

What to expect

Sign Up Process

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Frequently Asked Questions

A versatile loan that you can use for anything. It is perfect for emergency situations or unforeseen expenses. The first loan is for $1,000 and includes a personal development course.

Like all JUST loans, it requires two participants.

  • If you are an existing client, current JUST loans should be in good standing and you should have a trusted partner identified.
  • If you are not a JUST client, you need an invite from existing client 

Applications are processed weekly and close on Friday each week. If your application is completed and approved by Friday EOD, you begin your loan schedule the following Wednesday.

  • #1 receives funds
  • #10 begin to make payments

This loan is interest-free but the cost is $5 for the participant who receives in the 10th week and $20 for the participant who receives in the first week. The cost will be discounted when you receive your loan.

Weekly payments are $100 for 10 weeks, every Wednesday.

Any additional questions? Contact us at the number below